Ich glaube mich trifft der Schlag
Why the brain does (or sometimes doesn’t do) what it is supposed to
In their new book "Ich glaub mich trifft der Schlag", Professor Ulrich Dirnagl and Jochen Müller explain in an entertaining, accessible style based on state-of-the-art scientific knowledge, how the brain functions and what amazing work it does every day.
The brain is the control center of the body. But how does it actually enable us to see, feel, speak and think? The authors explore answers to these questions and explain how the brain works by looking at six neurological diseases. The idea is, any disorder that occurs in the brain, such as dementia, stroke, epilepsy, etc., also gives us clues about how the healthy organ works.
Stroke, for example, demonstrates the brain’s fantastic talent for organization. When the ability to speak is lost or normal movement patterns are disturbed, it is possible to identify where these functions are localized in the brain.
Professor Dirnagl is Director of the Center for Stroke Research at the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, as well as Deputy Coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence Neurocure. Jochen Müller is a biologist, science slammer and science journalist.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Dirnagl
Centrums für Schlaganfallforschung Berlin und Excellenzcluster Neurocure
E-Mail: ulrich.dirnagl@charite.de