The communication campaign of the Berlin University Alliance is entering its second phase, focusing on the research of the Berlin Excellence Clusters.


The Berlin Excellence Clusters are the most important prerequisite for the Excellence Alliance. Currently, there are seven funded Excellence Clusters in Berlin, more than in any other city. Recently, all existing clusters and three new ones were invited to submit full proposals to the German Research Foundation (DFG) – a milestone and at the same time an accolade for these research consortia.

The Excellence Clusters address important global issues such as climate change, responsible AI development, sustainability, mobility transition, and health. These major transformations are so complex that they cannot be solved using the methods of a single discipline. They require bold, new approaches that can only be developed through the interaction of various disciplines. Through the exchange and collaboration of experts, innovative ideas emerge that help us tackle the challenges of our time.

Credit: Berlin University Alliance

The Excellence Clusters are not exclusive but integrative. The goal of the communication campaign "The Open Knowledge Lab" is to broadly communicate this integrative research of the Excellence Clusters, thus stepping out of the ivory tower. For the campaign's visuals, artists have translated selected research objects of the Excellence Clusters into 3D visuals. These visuals draw attention to the research of the Excellence Clusters, and on the campaign website, their relevance to current transformation processes is highlighted through interviews and insights into the Clusters' projects. This science is as much a part of the OPEN KNOWLEDGE LAB as the top-level research of the partner institutions: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

Various events are part of the campaign, conveying the importance of Berlin’s top-level research and promoting exchanges between science, politics, civil society, business, and the city's population.

The eight campaign visuals will be displayed as out-of-home posters and digitally on social media.

The communication campaign is being implemented in collaboration with the agency futurehain.

Interview with Matthew Larkum:

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