International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences

The main education and training structure for the Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure is the International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences (MedNeuro), which offers both master’s (MSc) and doctoral (PhD and MD/PhD) degree programs.

With its focus on translational science, MedNeuro integrates basic laboratory research and clinical neurosciences, preparing students for careers at the intersection of bench and bedside in academic neurosciences and the biomedical industry.

MedNeuro’s educational concept focuses on three goals:

  • Training from basic science to translational research
  • Inter-institutional access to the best laboratories
  • Focus on practical experience and early independence

MedNeuro has a long tradition of alumni relations, with regular alumni meetings taking place in Berlin and at international conferences. MedNeuro has also established an alumni advisory board with members from the public and private sector.

For more information visit the MedNeuro website.