MISO: Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation on cognitive distortion and social cognition in depressed patients and healthy control subjects: What is the role of NMDA receptors?

Study Description:
The study "Effects of mineralocorticoid receptor stimulation on cognitive distortion and social cognition in depressed patients and healthy control subjects" (MISO) was conducted at the Charité with the support of the NCRC.

The aim of this study was to clarify the role of the human stress system in neuropsychological functions such as attention and memory and to assess whether or not depressed patients differ from healthy controls with regard to these functions.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Christian Otte

Registration: The study is registered in clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03062150)

Course of the study: 2016 to 2019

Nowacki, J., K. Wingenfeld, M. Kaczmarczyk, W. R. Chae, I. Abu-Tir, C. E. Deuter, D. Piber, J. Hellmann-Regen, and C. Otte. "Cognitive and Emotional Empathy after Stimulation of Brain Mineralocorticoid and Nmda Receptors in Patients with Major Depression and Healthy Controls." Neuropsychopharmacology (Jul 28 2020). Link.

Nowacki, J., K. Wingenfeld, M. Kaczmarczyk, W. R. Chae, P. Salchow, I. Abu-Tir, D. Piber, J. Hellmann-Regen, and C. Otte. "Steroid Hormone Secretion after Stimulation of Mineralocorticoid and Nmda Receptors and Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Depression." Transl Psychiatry 10, no. 1 (Apr 20 2020): 109 Link.

Nowacki J, Wingenfeld K, Kaczmarczyk M, Chae WR, Salchow P, Deuter CE, Piber D, Otte C. Selective attention to emotional stimuli and emotion recognition in patients with major depression: The role of mineralocorticoid and glutamatergic NMDA receptors. J Psychopharmacol 2021, 35. Link.