VALKINECT: Determining the accuracy, reliability, validity and responsiveness of video-perceptual motion analysis using Microsoft Kinect

Study Description:
The Valkinect study therefore aims to investigate whether analysis using an infrared video camera (Microsoft Kinect®), the same kind used in game consoles, might be a viable method for detecting the motor system disturbances that result from neurological disease. For this purpose, we would like to use video analysis to examine patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD), while also using the same technology to examine a group of healthy individuals. After these examinations, we can compare and analyze the results between the patients and the control group.

Principle Investigators:
Prof. Dr. med. Friedemann Paul (head of the Clinical Neuroimmunology Group at NCRC) and Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch (Clinical Neuroimmunology, NCRC)

Course of the study: 05/2017

Drebinger, D., L. Rasche, D. Kroneberg, P. Althoff, J. Bellmann-Strobl, M. Weygandt, F. Paul, A. U. Brandt, and T. Schmitz-Hubsch. "Association between Fatigue and Motor Exertion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis-a Prospective Study." Front Neurol 11 (2020): 208.