BERLimmun: Berlin Registry of Neuroimmunological Entities
Study Description:
BERLimmun is an observational study to investigate the long-term course of different neuroimmunological diseases. The goal is a comprehensive characterization of different diseases by clinical surveys, laboratory analyses, imaging techniques (such as magnet-resonance imaging and optical coherence tomography) and patient questionnaires addressing the patients’ health constitution and lifestyle. The study aims to compare diseases to allow improved and early differentiation and to identify risk factors, which aid to predict the course of a disease or disability progression within diseases. Another goal is to develop and improve diagnostic techniques. A special focus of the study are rare diseases, such as disorders of the Neuromyelitis optica spectrum.
Studienambulanz Neuroimmunologie
Tel: +49 30 450 539040
Principle Investigators:
PD Dr. med. Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch
Dr. med. Judith Bellmann-Strobl
Prof. Dr. med. Friedemann Paul
PD Dr. med. Klemens Ruprecht
Deutsches Register Klinischer Studien (DRKS) DRKS00026761
Course of the study:
15 years of follow-up after participant inclusion
Cooperation partner: click here
Arends, C. M., T. G. Liman, P. M. Strzelecka, A. Kufner, P. Lowe, S. Huo, C. M. Stein, S. K. Piper, M. Tilgner, P. S. Sperber, S. Dimitriou, P. Heuschmann, R. Hablesreiter, C. Harms, L. Bullinger, J. E. Weber, M. Endres, and F. Damm. "Associations of Clonal Haematopoiesis with Recurrent Vascular Events and Death in Patients with Incident Ischemic Stroke." Blood (Nov 28 2022).
Huang, S., C. Piao, C. B. Beuschel, Z. Zhao, and S. J. Sigrist. "A Brain-Wide Form of Presynaptic Active Zone Plasticity Orchestrates Resilience to Brain Aging in Drosophila." PLoS Biol 20, no. 12 (Dec 2022): e3001730.
Sperber, P. S., A. U. Brandt, H. G. Zimmermann, L. S. Bahr, C. Chien, S. Rekers, A. Mahler, C. Bottcher, S. Asseyer, A. S. Duchow, J. Bellmann-Strobl, K. Ruprecht, F. Paul, and T. Schmitz-Hubsch. "Berlin Registry of Neuroimmunological Entities (Berlimmun): Protocol of a Prospective Observational Study." BMC Neurol 22, no. 1 (Dec 14 2022): 479.