BiStiP: Imaging-based selection of stimulation parameters for deep brain stimulation in patients with Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease

Study Description:
This study investigates a new approach to postoperative adaptation of deep brain stimulation (DBS). Therefore, the position of DBS-electrodes will be determined by neuroradiological imaging and used to predict which parameters need to be adjusted on the neurostimulator to avoid adverse reactions and achieve the best possible therapeutic effects.
The clinical effects of this algorithm-based stimulation setting will then be evaluated using motor tests and compared to the clinical effects of the “standard of care” settings.
The study aims to see if both settings produce comparable effects. For this purpose, thirty-five patients will be examined using DBS. All adult patients who have had DBS electrodes implanted in the area of their subthalamic nucleus within the last 2.5 years are eligible to participate.

Jan Roediger
MD / Research assistant
Department of Neurology
Phone: 030 450 660 207
Email: jan.roediger(at)

Principle Investigator: Prof. Dr. Andrea Kühn (Clinic for neurology with experimental neurology)

Registration: The study is registered in DRKS-ID (DRKS00023115)

Course of the study: 23.09.2020-28.10.2021

Roediger, J., T. A. Dembek, G. Wenzel, K. Butenko, A. A. Kuhn, and A. Horn. "Stimfit-a Data-Driven Algorithm for Automated Deep Brain Stimulation Programming." Mov Disord  (Nov 27 2021).