SecUse: Scientific utilization of data from the already completed studies CIS cohort, ViMS and NMO cohort
Description of the Study
The aim of the SecUse project is the secondary use of study data and samples from the CIS Cohort, ViMS and NMO Cohort studies previously conducted by the Clinical Neuroimmunology Group (ECRC). These data and samples are to be used for future questions and research into specific disease groups, e.g. chronic inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord such as clinically isolated syndrome, multiple sclerosis, NMOSD or MOGAD. However, there may also be other disease groups or diseases that are still unknown today. Consent to the SecUse project also enables future scientific exploitation by future scientific cooperation partners. The transfer of study data for future scientific purposes always takes place in de-identified or, if necessary, anonymized form and after documented approval by the project management. In addition, consent can be given (so-called opt-in) that genetic tests may also be carried out on existing biosamples.
The secondary use of existing data and samples can help to reduce the workload for researchers and patients. Existing data and samples can thus be used again to evaluate new questions or newly developed analysis methods can be examined more quickly for their potential medical benefits.
Only former participants of the above-mentioned CIS cohort, ViMS and NMO cohort studies are eligible to take part in this project. Former participants will be actively contacted by the study center.
Contact: PD Dr. Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch
Principle Investigator: PD Dr. Tanja Schmitz-Hübsch & Prof. Friedemann Paul, NCRC-Neuroscience Research Center (Charité)
Study Coordination: Lina Anderhalten, Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC)
Course of the study: start 5/2024
Project partner: Link
Stand: 22. 12.2024