Networking with Other Research Programs

The Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure (EXC 257) is highly interlinked with several other programs in the German research landscape. NeuroCure scientists have been involved in collaborative research centres, transregional collaborative research centres, graduate schools, research training groups, research units, clinical research units, and priority programs, all funded by the DFG. An Emmy Noether junior research group and Heisenberg fellowships underline the scientific excellence of the Cluster.

→ Collaborative Research Centres
→ Transregional Collaborative Research Centres
→ Graduate Schools
→ Research Training Groups
→ Research Units
→ Priority Programmes

Further funding support
→ Einstein Foundation
→ German Centers for Healthcare Research
current and former NeuroCure PIs

Collaborative Research Centres

SFB 1588: Decoding and Targeting Mechanisms of Neuroblastoma Evolution since 2023 N. Rajewsky
SFB 1315: Mechanisms and disturbances in memory consolidation: From synapses to systems since 2018  D. Schmitz, Brecht, M, Larkum, M, Judkewitz, B, Owald, D, Sigrist, S, Rosenmund, C, Hegemann, P
SFB 1052: Obesity Mechanisms
since 2013 A. Villringer
SFB 940: Volition and Cognitive Control: Mechanisms, Modulators and Dysfunctions
since 2012 J.D. Haynes

Transregional Collaborative Research Centres

TRR 384: Inhibitory neurons: shaping the cortical code (IN-CODE) since 2024 M. Larkum

TRR 296: Local control of TH action (LocoTact)

since 2020 M. Schülke-Gerstenfeld

TRR 295: Retuning dynamic motor network disorders using neuromodulation

since 2020

A. Kühn
TRR 265: Losing and Regaining Control in Addiction – Development, Mechanisms and Interventions since 2019 A.Heinz, D. Owald
TRR 167: Development, function and potential of myeloid cells in the central nervous system (NeuroMac) since 2017
F. Heppner
TRR 186: Molecular Switches: Spatio-Temporal Control of Cellular Signal Transmission since 2016
S. Sigrist, C. Rosenmund, A. Pleasted, V. Haucke

Research Training Groups

GRK 2318:  Tight junctions and their proteins: molecular features and actions in health and disease
since 2017
V. Haucke

Research Units

KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases since 2023 M. Endres, D. Schmitz
FOR 2705: Dissection of a Brain Circuit: Structure, Plasticity and Behavioral Function of the Drosophila mushroom bodySubject since 2022 D. Owald, S.J. Sigrist
FOR 5228: Maintaining presynaptic function in dopaminergic synapses since 2021 C. Rosenmund
FOR 2841: Beyond the Exome – Identifying, Analyzing, and Predicting the Disease Potential of Non-Coding DNA Variants since 2019 M. Schülke, C.Birchmeier
FOR 2625: Cell type-specific roles of lysosomal chloride/proton exchange since 2017 T.J.Jentsch
FOR 2518: Ion Permeation in Potassium Selective and Non-selective Cation Channels since 2017 A. Plested
FOR 2325: Interactions at the Neurovascular Interface since 2016 P. Vajkoczy

Priority Programmes

EPIADAPT: Epigenomic adaptations of developing neural chromatin since 2024 A. Pombo
SPP 1926: Next Generation Optogenetics: Tool Development and Application since 2019 P. Hegemann
SPP 2041: Computational Connectomics since 2017 A. Kühn

Further Funding Support

NeuroCure PIs

Einstein Foundation

Einstein Center for Neurosciences since 2016  
Einstein Professorships    
Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences   D. Schmitz
Genetics   S. Sigrist
Einstein Research Projects
Mechanisms of critical illness-induced cognitive dysfunction 2017 - 2020 M. Larkum

German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Collaborative Project : Berlin longitudinal child study since 2013

C. Heim

ERC Synergy Grants



Brainplay since 2018

 M. Brecht, D Schmitz

Switchable rhodOpsins in Life Sciences (SOL) since 2020

 P. Hegeman

German Centers for Healthcare Research

German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) since 2009 Schmitz D, Endres M, Garner C, Kühn A, Heppner F, Sigrist S
German Center for Mental Health (DZP) since 2021

