Berlin Science Week 2021- Dr. David Owald

A Journey Through the Brain - Neuroscientists Explain Their Research in the Humboldt Lab

-What you always wanted to know about the brain.-

Are you interested in the latest findings in brain research? Do you have questions about the functions of the brain? Come and visit our research station at the Humboldt Lab. On four days during Berlin Science Week, scientists from the Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure will explain their research and answer your questions.

Afterwards, you are invited in a playful expedition into the control center of the human being. You will learn about the most important functions of the brain, the latest research methods and their applications.


This event will take place physically. If you would like to attend the event on-site, please register in advance:                                    


David Owald leads an Emmy Noether junior research group at the Institute of Neurophysiology at the Charité in Berlin. Among other things, he investigates which molecular and cell biological processes control memory formation and how addiction can develop. David Owald has been a member of the NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence since 2019.


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