Informations about strokes - for those who are affecetd, relatives or interested

Informations about strokes - for those who are affecetd, relatives or interested

Date: 28.01.2020, 5:00 pm - 6:30pm

Subjects: "how to understand sufferers with aphasia"
                Stefanie Pein (Dipl. Patholinguistin), Annett Dittrich (Dipl. Rehabilitationspädagogin), Brandenburgklinik

                "lecture: "Die Wurststulle"
                 Gabriele Weiß (affected by stroke)

Location: "Servicepunkt Schlaganfall", Luisenstraße 9, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

The Event ist for free. We would be thankful for donations.
Vistor groups need a prior regristation.

Contacts: Phone: +49 30 450 560 600
               Fax: +49 30 450 560 960



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