NCRC Seminar

On November 24th, at 12:00, join us for an online seminar organized by the Neuroscience Clinical Research Center (NCRC). 

The following speakers will join:

  • PD Dr. Pawel Fidzinski (Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin): NCRC BrainLab platform for functional studies in resected human brain tissue - the Berlin experience
  • Dr. Juliet Roudini & Dr. Christina Habermehl (Berlin Institute of Health): NCRC BrainLab modules on patient & stakeholder engagement and clinical research data management - summary after two years
  • Dr. Lina Bahr (Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin): Nutritional Approaches in Multiple Sclerosis - results from the NAMS study

The event will be held online. Please register via email

More information here.

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