SFB1315 Lecture Series - Lila Davachi - 11 May, 2021 at 4 pm — ZOOM

Datum 11.Mai 2021 um 16:00 Uhr

Referentin: Lila Davachi (Department of Psychology, Columbia University)

Thema: Post-encoding persistence of encoding states strengthens individual memories, reorganizes those experiences based on shared features and biases the fate of new memories

Der Vortrag von Lila Davachi wird von B04 PI  YeeLee Shing eingeleitet und von SFB1315 Sprecher Matthew Larkum moderiert.

Um den Link für die Veranstaltung zu erhalten, registrieren Sie sich bitte unter sfb1315.ifb@hu-berlin.de 

* Journal Club (07.05.2021): MedNeuro students in Berlin, as well as B04-related PhDs at Uni Frankfurt (and in Bochum) wishing to join journal club this Friday at 2.30 pm should contact our student coordinator (Lisa Velenosi, graduateprograms@bccn-berlin.de for the link. Meet-the-speaker will follow for interested students.

** All students may earn a certificate of attendance with an email to our team assistant after the lecture (serenella.brinati.1@hu-berlin.de).

Link für weitere Informationen.
