Child Benefits
Maternity benefits
In Germany, maternity benefits (Mutterschaftsgeld) are paid to female employees from six weeks before the expected date of birth to eight weeks after the child’s actual date of birth.
Child Allowance
A child allowance (Kindergeld) is paid at least until the age of 18, and may be extended under certain conditions.
Charité employees may, upon request, have their child allowance paid out with their salary. Contact Kimberly Mason at the NeuroCure office for details.
Parental Allowance
A parental allowance is available for parents who stop working full time in order to be the main caregiver for their child during the first 14 months.
Parental Leave
Mothers and fathers are entitled to request parental leave to care for their child during the first three years. Normal salary payments are suspended during parental leave, but some part-time work is permitted. Please contact Kimberly Mason at the NeuroCure office for details.
See also: