“Excellent Pub Quiz” for the Long Night of the Sciences @TU Berlin

Once again, the motto for the “Long Night of the Sciences” 2024 is: Invite friends for a team (2-4 people), find a creative team name and take part in the “Excellent Pub Quiz” of the seven Berlin Clusters of Excellence at TU Berlin and win great prizes! Once again, there are exciting, funny and surprising questions from the clusters' research areas.

No synapse remains unused, because the questions come from the seven fascinating research fields of the clusters: application-oriented mathematics (MATH+), intelligent research (Science of Intelligence), catalysis/green chemistry (UniSysCat), liberal order (SCRIPTS), materials research (Matters of Activity), neuroscience (NeuroCure) and world literature (Temporal Communities). The broad spectrum offers something for everyone.

Photocredit: Photo LNDW 2023 @TU Berlin: © Kay Herschelmann / “Cluster”

New at the “Excellent Pub Quiz 2024”:

There will be two rounds of quizzes (in German), each lasting an hour and each with different questions from the clusters' research projects. You can choose to leave after the first round or come for the second round. All hardcore science enthusiasts and quiz lovers are of course welcome to take part in both quiz rounds and try their luck twice:

  • 6pm-7pm: Registration of the teams
  • 7pm-8pm: 1st quiz round
  • 8pm-8:30pm: Poster session with information on the research areas of all seven Berlin Clusters of Excellence
  • 8:30pm-9:30pm: 2nd quiz round

When: Saturday, 22 June 2024, registration from 6pm
Where: TU Berlin, Straße des 17. Juni 135, in the main building (ground floor left), Wangari Mathaai foyer at the back left, next to the Audimax (former cafeteria)

Registrations are not necessary in advance, but come in time to register! Last year, 28 teams with more than 120 participants competed for victory. This year, too, the three best teams will win great prizes provided by all Clusters of Excellence.

Tickets for the Long Night of Science are available here.

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